Grand Vin de Bordeaux

Cadillac - Côtes de Bordeaux

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Jérôme Gouin 

Itinerary of a local child



Transmission and Tradition



The blood of the earth flows through his veins. Since he was young, Jérôme always knew that he would become a winegrower, just like his grandfather before him. 


At his side, he learned the good gestures and learned how to observe, his eyes wide open on how the wines grew the best way. He was tought that being a good winemaker was also being able to stay humble and accepting that his work was to adapt to the environment and to respect the lifecycle of a vine in order to express the best out of every varietal of grapes, on every kind of soil.

"J have not subscribed to any kind of label like organic viticulture, but I have always worked sustainably,
with natural products, just like my grandparents did before me.
Working in close contact to my vines, and observing day by day how they react,
helps me taking the right decisions at the right time.
Everything is just a question of good sense and... balance ..."

Winegrower by passion

Since the 1990s, Jérôme has devoted his studies to vineyard management and learned his job in the field, within the family business. He joined the boarding school of Château La Tour Blanche in Sauternes from the age of 16 in order to study winemaking.

  • In 1994, he obtained the BEPA (Brevet d'Etudes Professionnels Agricoles) in vineyard management.
  • In 1995, he earned the BTA  Degree(Brevet de Technicien Agricole) in VITICULTURE and OENOLOGY
  • In 2010, he took over the Family estate and became owner and manager of the EARL des Vignobles Gouin.